Zehnder Communications, Inc.

How solid is your crisis plan? Start with these 9 questions.

Odds are, your company doesn’t have a crisis plan. Even if you do, it’s likely inadequate or out of date, creating a false sense of security when disaster strikes next.

The most effective crisis planning prevents disasters from occurring in the first place. Zehnder’s crisis team helps clients identify and remedy existing vulnerabilities, while ensuring that the easy, obvious prevention measures are taken. Crisis plans don't need to be long and complicated. 



Whether or not you have a plan, here are nine questions about basic crisis readiness:

  • What are the likely crises your company would face? Do you know the most likely? 
  • Do you have a crisis plan? Has it been updated in the past 12 months? 
  • Do you have a crisis team, including a spokesperson with media training?
  • Do you maintain current contact information for stakeholders – employees, shareholders, board members, customers, etc.?
  • Do you maintain contact information for relevant journalists, bloggers and influencers?
  • Does your crisis plan account for social media?
  • Do employees – from receptionist to sales manager – know how to respond if approached by media during a crisis?
  • Does your company have document templates for media statements?
  • Does your company have processes for monitoring news coverage and social media? 


How many can you answer "YES"?

9: Impressive. Your company is quite prepared and obviously takes crisis planning seriously. 

6-8: Good. Your company is on the right path but still has key vulnerabilities to moderate threats.

3-5: Unsatisfactory. You’re not prepared for a disaster. Stakeholders and profits are at risk, even from common threats.

0-2: Failure. Put simply, you’re asking for trouble. 

Crisis strikes every company at some point, threatening your brand, your reputation and your revenue. Zehnder’s crisis communications team has lived and breathed disasters. We provide crisis planning, consulting and media training. Our methods are based on real-world experience designed to achieve the best possible outcomes.

For more information, contact Ann Edelman, Vice President of PR & Media, (225) 242-9000,  


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